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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A message from St. Dungeon Master

This morning I woke up to the most pure, impure feeling.  As I routinely went about my morning tasks of unholy prayer and holy meditation, my brain was AIM messaged by God's Ambassador to hell (St. Dungeon Master).  Now that I am holy, I have been given the power to email thoughts to my Gmail account.  The conversation went as follows:

St. DM:  Danny,your holy-unholiness has been lacking.
Danny:   LEIK  WTF MAYNG????????????
St. DM:  You cannot reach Holy-Unholy Nirvana unless you are annoyingly flamboyant about your beliefs.  Blogging isn't enough!  You must use music and campus ranting to reach Holy-Unholy Enlightening!!!  Here is a song, sung by Fred Phelps and Bill Graham themselves, that should be used to pass the Good/Bad word:

666th commandment

Danny: As a brainwashed follower, I will do anything you ask of me!!!!!!! SO HAPPY !!!!!!

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